March 17th COVID-19 Announcement

Lisa Russell

Dear Church Family,

As you all are well aware, things are changing very quickly in the world as it responds to the seriousness of COVID-19. Most recently, the District of West Vancouver has shut down all of its recreational and cultural buildings, this includes the Gleneagles Clubhouse. Further to this, the municipal and federal governments are discouraging gatherings of more than 50 people. Given these most recent developments, it is obvious that Revolution Church will not be having regular Sunday meetings until further notice. Mid-week small group gatherings will also remain closed. We will reassess the wisdom of opening up small groups and prayer meeting after the Spring Break.

A silver lining to all of this is that we now have an opportunity to dial in our on-line service option. Jeremy and the team are working hard to make the appropriate purchases and choose the right platform to offer a high quality offering. This will allow us to stay connected, worship, and take communion together live on Sunday mornings. We will be setting up The Hub as our Sunday morning “production studio.” Thank you Jesus that we have this awesome facility at our disposal.

We are all in unchartered waters. At this time, we encourage each of you to press in daily to God and to stay connected and encourage each other in faith and service to God, to our church community, and to our neighbourhoods.

Much love to you all.

Nick and Lisa, for the leadership team.