The Gospel Is Far Bigger Than You Ever Thought

Nick Russell

The Gospel is far bigger than you ever thought it was and far more relevant to you today than you ever thought it was. Not just on the day that you came to know Jesus. It’s there as a power, as something to draw on, as a revelation on a day-to-day basis; in making you a better parent, in empowering you at work, in empowering you in your marriage, in empowering you to navigate the waters that we live in. I hope, by God’s revelation, that we will see the importance of us understanding the gospel. I hope that we ourselves can articulate and live out the fullness of what Jesus Christ has called us to.
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Living as a Son or Daughter of God


I’m all about real. Every new year I review my year and look for something real, something tangible about my year. I’m not into the religion around Jesus, I want what’s real. So if Jesus says he’ll set me free from sin, I want to see how I’m set free from sin. I don’t want to live the same way as I did without Christ.
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Can People Really Change?

Jeb Dykema

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Yes? No? Sort of? It’s not a bad thing. You reflect on the year behind, you look forward to the year ahead. The start of a year is a good time to step back and examine your life. To pause and reflect.
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